Frequently asked questions
If you need help, we have a list of frequently asked questions and answers. Click a question below to view the answer.
We are open Monday to Friday, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. However, parents can drop off their children any time between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m., depending on their needs.
We do not provide drop-in childcare!
If you are looking for immediate childcare, please do not stop by our daycare centre unannounced. If you have any questions, you can try reaching us by phone or e-mail, during our opening hours (7: a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday).
Yes, we are a fully licensed daycare, operating per the regulations of the B.C. Government for community childcare spaces. We are specifically licensed for Group Child Care from 2.5 years to school age (i.e., daycare from 30 months to kindergarten). We follow all staffing rules and laws for our license. We are also open to yearly inspection by government agents.
Yes. Per the regulations of the B.C. Government, we must provide specific ratios of Early Childhood Educators and Assistants, for the number of children we care for. Generally, this is a 1:8 ratio for our 2.5 – 5-year-old program. In addition, our managers are also certified, Early Childhood Educators. They act as ‘extras’ when the regular staff need a helping hand.
Early Childhood Educators have 900 hours of training. In addition, they have their own personal years of work and life experience. All our staff must meet certain legal criteria before being allowed to work with children in our care. This includes a criminal record check.
Early Childhood Education Assistants have less training, but must also meet certain requirements, legally. Assistants may never be alone with our daycare children, if an Early Childhood Educator is not present.
At the following link, you can read more about government rules in B.C. surrounding child care centres and daycares like ours:
At present, we ask parents to pack sufficient food for their children, for the day. Currently, this is the best way to ensure children will not be given food they are allergic to, or that they are not familiar with. We ask that children do not share food with each other.
We may look into providing hot lunches or snacks at a later date.
To enter kindergarten in the 2016-17 school year, your child must be five years old on or before August 31.
Please bring a copy of birth certificate, baptismal certificate or passport (for students entering transitional kindergarten or kindergarten)
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Outstanding Future Practice
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Flexible Attendance Plans
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