About Us

About Kid Canvas

At Kids Canvas Child Care Centre.

we are dedicated to providing high-quality programs and environments to enhance the development of your child. At Kids Canvas we provide a positive and welcoming environment for children. We believe that each child is special, unique and have different learning styles. Most of all, we want the children to feel welcome, safe and happy when they come into the centre each day.

At Kids Canvas our programs follow a combination of different approaches for teaching young children which include Reggio and Montessori. Our goal being to make the learning experience exciting for each child. Although we cannot replace the care of a parent, we will be working closely together with the children as a team, as we strive to develop a “home away from home” atmosphere.

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Message from the Founder

All the staff at Kids Canvas Child Care Centre are licensed Early Childhood Educators who have a lot of passion and interest working with children.

All the staff have up-to-date first aid and CPR training. They also have their criminal record and background checks to ensure that your child is in safe hands. The staff at Kids Canvas have years of experience in this field.

My name is Gagan Deol

the director of Kids Canvas Childcare. I have always been passionate about childcare as I’ve been in the childcare field for more than 14 years. To tell you a bit more about myself, I have been blessed with 3 beautiful children. In my spare time, I love spending time making memories with my family and achieving milestones with my children. I also enjoy cooking a lot and am really good at the skill. Alongside this, traveling is something I adore and often do. Music is something that is very dear to me because it helps express us in any way possible. Overall, I am quite an explorer and a creative individual. Now that you know a bit more about me, I would love to know more about you and your child. Come visit our center and see for yourself how Kids Canvas Childcare can provide the right care and education for your child.