Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions

If you need help, we have a list of frequently asked questions and answers. Click a question below to view the answer.

We are open Monday to Friday, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. However, parents can drop off their children any time between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m., depending on their needs.

We do not provide drop-in childcare!

If you are looking for immediate childcare, please do not stop by our daycare centre unannounced. If you have any questions, you can try reaching us by phone or e-mail, during our opening hours (7: a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday).

Yes, we are a fully licensed daycare, operating per the regulations of the B.C. Government for community childcare spaces. We are specifically licensed for Group Child Care from 2.5 years to school age (i.e., daycare from 30 months to kindergarten). We follow all staffing rules and laws for our license. We are also open to yearly inspection by government agents.

Yes. Per the regulations of the B.C. Government, we must provide specific ratios of Early Childhood Educators and Assistants, for the number of children we care for. Generally, this is a 1:8 ratio for our 2.5 – 5-year-old program. In addition, our managers are also certified, Early Childhood Educators. They act as ‘extras’ when the regular staff need a helping hand.


Early Childhood Educators have 900 hours of training. In addition, they have their own personal years of work and life experience. All our staff must meet certain legal criteria before being allowed to work with children in our care. This includes a criminal record check.


Early Childhood Education Assistants have less training, but must also meet certain requirements, legally. Assistants may never be alone with our daycare children, if an Early Childhood Educator is not present.


At the following link, you can read more about government rules in B.C. surrounding child care centres and daycares like ours:

At present, we ask parents to pack sufficient food for their children, for the day. Currently, this is the best way to ensure children will not be given food they are allergic to, or that they are not familiar with. We ask that children do not share food with each other.


We may look into providing hot lunches or snacks at a later date.

We are a nut-free daycare centre. We ask parents to please make sure not pack nuts for children, nor to allow nuts into our facility. We also ask children not to share food with each other.


For children with known allergies, we ask that all applicable medication be supplied to us by the parents. We will keep these safe and handy, should they need to be used. Our staff is trained to use allergy medications in emergencies.

Yes, we have a daily afternoon nap for all children at our daycare. Cots are provided.


If a child at a certain age is not accustomed to taking naps anymore, we encourage quiet table activities, with supervision of the Early Childhood Educators on staff. Generally, however, we set aside this time for rest and recuperation.


If your child needs special comforts to be able to fall asleep, we encourage you to let us know. We’d be more than happy to do what it takes to make your child feel at home in our daycare environment. For example, it may help them to hold a t-shirt from mom, or to cuddle with a security blanket or toy. If they like calming music, we can also play that for them.

Yes! We take children outside to play for at least 2 hour every day. Sometimes, weather may stop us. But, whenever possible, we encourage children to go out for fresh air, and to burn off energy. Of course, this also develops their gross motor skills, and provides plenty of opportunity for social interaction and spontaneous learning.

Yes, we don’t mind parents stopping by to see their children during our opening hours. However, keep in mind it can be interruptive to our daycare routine if other children are disturbed during nap times and activities where we need their focus. For the sake of all the other children at our daycare, we ask that parents who visit only come for a short peek, and that they try not to be noticed, unless absolutely necessary.


We do not allow anyone who is not on a child’s authorized pick-up list to enter our daycare space. Please do not send any relatives or family friends we are not aware of, to visit the children, under any circumstances. This is to maintain security and a stable environment for all the other children as well.

Only persons documented in our files, which parents fill out when applying to our daycare, can pick up children. They must show ID, if they are not the regular parents we recognize for pick-ups and drop offs.

Like any licensed group daycare, we must follow certain procedures to plan for emergencies. This includes having each child’s emergency contact information and medical history available.


We also keep back-up food and first-aid supplies on the premises.

For More queries and Questions please contact us